Yoga and its emphasis on the power of a single breath has promoted for me a respect for life and a profound realization of the destructive force of violence. ~quote from a former prisoner

Yoga in Mirrormont class will be offered this week on Monday evening, November 24th, from 5 - 6 in the clubhouse. Please bring a blanket for our final resting pose.

Also, a reminder that I am teaching a donation-based class for Yoga Behind Bars on Saturday, November 29th, from 11 - Noon at Village Green Yoga in Gilman Village. Donations go toward bringing more classes to incarcerated men, women, and children in Washington state. Having taught the maximum-security teens at Echo Glen Children's Center over the years, and, presently serving on the Board, I can attest to the profound rehabilitative benefits of yoga upon these children. Thank you for considering becoming a part of this important aspect of prison reform.
